Intuitively, you’ve come to this page because you understand there is a doorway inside of you.
A doorway I may help you to unlock.
You are curious about accessing a deeper side of yourself, one where you can embrace your sensuality and become acquainted with an unique sense of freedom you can only feel when in ropes.
Physical sensations the rope provide can provoke emotions you didn’t know were just under the surface, giving you space an access point for deeper contact and greater wholeness with yourself.
This is not an ordinary inner journey. It is guided by me, a certified space holder committed to safety, confidentiality, consent and trust.
The intensity of surrendering to rope may seem intimidating…..
But I want you to know this- it’s that very intensity that is the alchemy to transform you into your most authentic self.
rope Bondage embodiment
“When you touch a persons body, you touch a persons soul; their wounds from the past and their hopes for the future.“ - Francesca Gentille
This session is tailored to anyone looking to go deeper into surrender and receive the healing power of touch. The more we allow our bodies to open, the deeper we can go into settling our nervous system, accessing pleasure and enjoying relaxation.
These sessions may include breathwork, energy work, and rope bondage. Each session is tailored to your individual wants, desires, limitations, injuries, and needs. These sessions allow the body to de-armor its built up defenses on conscious and unconscious levels.
A rope session can look like many things, which is something we will create together. There is no set experience, it is all about the intention set between those that participate. Generally though, there are elements of power exchange, connection, intimacy, surrender, sensation, pain and play.
There is no prior experience rope required to come and enjoy a rope session. All genders, body types, expressions, etc. are welcome. I work with both experienced and inexperienced people. We will talk in advance about your rope experience level and what makes sense to include in the rope session.
Generally there is nothing special you need to bring to the rope session. But if there is something in particular that is comforting for you or important feel free to bring it along. I will however have you fill out some boundaries and consent documentation beforehand.
I am always happy to take some photos of our time together, however I rarely make photos the primary focus of a rope session.
If you’re specifically interested in a rope photoshoot, lets discuss those details in a call
Rope bondage is edgeplay and comes with a certain amount risk. With good communication and an understanding of what to look out for, we can do our best to stay safe physically and emotionally. Before a rope session we will go over some safety basics, discuss limits and boundaries, and best practices for communication. Even if we do everything right, there’s still some risk involved in practicing rope bondage — by participating you are with a consensual understanding fully aware of all the risks.
I do provide aftercare and that can look different depending on what each person desires and requests. It would be good to think about what you might like. Common requests often revolve around forms of co-regulation and physical comfort, and can also look like talking, processing or some kind of ritual.
Rope bondage is not always sexual. Sensual touch can be included in a rope session if that is something you wish to experience. If at any point you change your mind, even mid session, that’s ok. The power is yours to reassess how you feel in the moment about your experience.
You can wear whatever feels good for you. You can be naked, or wear something comfortable.
Definitely. Feel free to reach out to anyone you’ve seen me tie with, and you can ask around the community.
Send me an email from the contact button at the bottom of this page. Please include a little bit about yourself and what you are looking for in a session.
your investment :
Welcome yourself back home. Through guided techniques, we welcome your energy back into the body in spaces it may have forgotten
returning clients - single sessions $400
new clients - three session package $1200