Misha Love is an embodied Spirit soul, a 500 hour Bhakti yoga teacher, herbalist, medicine person and Sacred ceremonialist. Their passion is crafting beautiful containers with the aid of Spirit to facilitate the natural flow of magic and personal ascension into sovereignty through intuitive movement and somatic release; liberating the mind and body from unprocessed trauma. They believe each person has the answers they seek within and channels experiences that allow the inner voice to shine through. As a devoted student of the Earth, Misha works with subtle energy magic and plant medicines to elevate and inspire the collective consciousness. Their purpose in this incarnation is to serve the anchoring of the New Earth, reawaken Sacred Sexuality and a reunion with Mother Gaia. Recalling our inherent divinity and the gift of the human experience, they are here to invoke a remembrance within.
who I am
Education & Certifications
Masters of Science, Biomedical Anthropology
Binghamton University, 2018
Therapeutic Kink Practitioner
Shamanic Kink Practitioner Training, 2024
Herbal Medicine
University of Minnesota, 2022
Yoga Teacher
200h Trauma-Informed Vinyasa Certification
300h Bhakti and Yoga Traditions Certification, 2019
First Aid, First Response, and CPR Certification
School of Life
Constantly learning from experience
One-On-One mentorship
Are you feeling stuck or lacking passion in your life?
Do you want to ignite the spark of your Eternal flame and keep it lit with healthy and sustainable practices for your Mind, Body and Spirit?
I’d love to help you find your Highest alignment and create a mirror to see yourself clearly and fully